Tristan Thomas

Tristan Thomas

15/365 and 16/365

ok wow I'm slacking so much already. Yesterday was super busy though. Got up with TJ at 5am to take his dad to the local hospital for surgery, Some time last year he went to the bathroom and peed out blood clots. The doctors scoped his bladder and found cancer. Yesterday was actually his 3rd surgery. The first one was in like Feb, I only remember because it was during a huge blizzard, the second was a week after Tristan was born, and then yesterday. In Feb they removed the tumors, and now the last 2 have been exploratory, to make sure there haven't been anymore tumors. Apparently bladder cancer has a very high reoccurrance rate, and smokers are a third more likely to get it.  And since his dad is a huge smoker and hasn;t stop that increases his chances even more. Anyway they go in every 3 months to check and if there would be anything they will take it out. So far he's been clear. If he stays clear for I forget if it's 2 or 3 years, they'll switch to surgery every 6 mths, if he stays clear for 5 years they will switch to once a yr. It's a pretty easy surgery, takes more time for him to recover from anesthesia than the surgery itself. He doctor was done in 20 min yesterday. His arrival time was 7 am, but we didn't get out of there until like noon. Then I had to take him to the pharmacy to get prescriptions, and drop him off at home. TJ texted me right before leaving the hospital that he needed clothes washed for work. So I got home, gave Tristan a bottle quick and ran to my sister's.  ( I can't wait til we get a washer and dryer for our house, I didn't realize how convenient it was to have one til I didn't) Did 2 loads of laundry, rushed home, made dinner, and then once TJ was home I rushed to get everything finished up for the night so I could go to bed with him. I don't think I even got on the computer at all yesterday. Just updated facebook through my phone.
So that was my long day yesterday. Today I went back over to my sister's to finish up the last 3 loads of laundry I had and then rushed home, to the store, and back home to make homemade buffalo chicken mac n cheese. Which turned out pretty good :) Now both my boys are tucked away in bed. I told TJ I wouldn't be long but decided to have a little Mommy quiet time. This weekend is jam packed for me. I'm driving 4 hours each way on Sat to go to my friend April's wedding. I'm going back and forth the same day because Sun I have baby shower for TJ's cousin. TJ doesn't want us to spend the night up there, so I agreed to come home. I wouldn't really want to stay somewhere with Tristan anyway, and I know TJ will be a bag of nerves until we get home to him. He would be going with if he didn't have to work.
Also lately I've been really "weapy" and tired. It's crazy because Tristan's sleeping from about 8pm-5am and then I get him to normally go back to sleep till like 8 or 9. Granted those last couple hours aren't full of sleep for me since I have to get him out of the crib into his swing to get him to stay sleeping, and I wake up at every little noise he makes. I swear I haven't felt this emotional and sleepy since I was pregnant with Tristan.  was even having cramps like the ones that prompted me to get a test with him. I've gotten my period once since I had him, but I'm 3 weeks overdue now. I did get the depo shot and I;m due for another, but I;m not overdue for it I have till the 29th to get it again. I took a test the other day and it was neg....but if I don't get my period again soon, I'm going to get another one.
Ok, onto some pictures, I'll stop my rambling.......

My little angel sleeping on Mommy.....


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