Tristan Thomas

Tristan Thomas

27/365 & 28/365

This is how Tristan fell asleep in the car today. He's starting to like to have a blanket and I guess he likes it to be dark for his naps lol

Just like the shirt says....Mommy's Little Monster :)

25/365 and 26/365

Ok I know I went and missed a post again. But I had a sick little boy on my hands. He was still running a temp yesterday morning so I called and got an appt with the doctor. The doctor thinks he caught something from Chuck E Cheese. So it was just a matter of waiting it out. He still had a temp of 100.4 going to bed last night, but he actually slept pretty well, only getting up at 1 and then 5am. Fri night had been horrible, I only got about 3 1/2 hrs of broken sleep, he would only sleep if I held him. So I was much happier last night with him sleeping in his crib. I haven't taken his temp since before bed last night, but I can just tell the temp went away, at least for the most part, just by feeling his little head. He was burning up these last couple days, and now he actually feels "cool". My poor little guy!
OK well, I forget if I mentioned this on Thurs, but he finally rolled over!!! Yay!! Ever since he started sleeping in his crib he has slept on his belly. I could never get him to sleep on his back for more than a couple minutes. I went to get him out of his crib in the morning there he was on his back smiling up at me :)
It looks like Ville found Tristan's Bumbo, I've caught him sitting in it a couple times now......


So Tristan's appt today turned into his 4 mth well child check. He got his shots and all and now he's sick :( I hate this. I actually just got off the phone with the doctor's office. His temp is up to 101.3 at 10:00 after having some tylenol at 8:30. He's not showing any other signs of sickness or cold. Before his shots he did have a small temp it was I think 100.4 rectally. At 8:30 when I took it, it was 100.8. My thermometer is one of the 1 second ones that go in the ear. Now the doctor did tell me that for his eight I could give him .8ml of tylenol and up to this point I had been giving him .4ml. If the temp is about the same come morning I'm going to call and get him an appt. She said its hard for her to think the temp would only be from the shots since he had a slight one before the shots. But he hasn't been doing anything out of the ordinary to make me think there would be anything wrong. God I hope I didn't miss something. Now I'm scrutinizing every little thing. he went 5 hrs between bottles this morning, but that's normal for his sleep time. He's coughed a couple times today, but maybe 2 or 3 and it's not a raspy cough, almost sounds fake and it wasn't coughing spells. Well I have a feeling I'm not going to be getting very much sleep tonight.
Here's a pic, I snapped this of him before we went to bed last night.


So Tristan didn't have his 4 mth check up yesterday. I thought the appt was for 4:00 but when I got there they said it was 1:40 :( I have some issues with the woman I talked to at the front desk. After working in medical offices for the past 5-6 yrs before I had Tristan I was less than impressed with her and her huffing and puffing. So I have a phone call into the office manager who was off on vacation until next Mon. The woman wouldn't reschedule Tristan until 10/7 and said there wasn't anything else she could do. That was his next available. Well the amazing thing is I called in today and got an appt for....wait for it.......tomorrow at 11am. He actually had 2 openings for tomorrow. GRRRR I hope that girl's there tomorrow so she can see me checking in to see Dr Schucker. It won't be his actually 4 mth check with shots, that's still scheduled for 10/7, but I want to talk to him about Tristan's eating. Which I told that woman, but was she at all helpful...of course not. OK so enough venting about the rude obnoxious office worker. I swear if I didn't like the doctor so much I would be changing offices.

Ok so I actually have a ton of pics from today. We went to Chuck E Cheese for our friend's daughter's 3rd bday. Tristan was wide eyed the whole time checking out all the sites. Luckily it was pretty dead. I must say mid week during the day is the absolute best time to go to Chuck E Cheese.

Tristan watching Chuck E's band

And here's a pic of his girlfriend Lily knawing on some pizza


Well this afternoon at 4 I take Tristan for his 4 month appt with the doctor. i can't wait to get his latest stats and get the go ahead to start him on solids, which I'm sure the doc will give me. But I know he's up for some more shots, and I felt so bad after the last ones. Daddy was there to help comfort him, but of course TJ will be at work this time. So it'll be all me. I swear if he cries like last time, I will too. I've been feeling weapy lately and something like that, I doubt I'll be able to stop the tears.
Well for today's picture I have one of my newest obsession. Kettle Cooked Salt and vinegar...Yummy! I could sit and eat an entire bag in one sitting if I didn't stop myself.


Ok I know in this picture he;s out of focus, but I was surprised I even got to snap it, normally he stops doing the things I want to take a picture of before I can snap one. I've really been trying to give him more floor time. So I tried his bumbo with toys in front of him. I was on the computer and when I looked over he wasn't interested in his toys at all, he was amazed by his feet.......

18, 19, 20/365

OK another catch up, but at least I knew this one would be coming. This past weekend was ridiculously busy, and I feel like I totally missed out on any time with TJ. He was in bed when we got home on Sat and then Sunday he went with me in the morning to get the baby shower presents. By the time I got home from the shower I was just so tired. It didn't take us long to just grab a movie and go lay up in bed. Which the just laying in bed watching a movie was pretty nice. I feel like I need to sleep an entire day away just to feel rested again. Tristan did awesome on the long car ride though. On the way up he was in and out of sleep most of the time, only wanting a bottle about 3 hours into the drive. On the way home he did good until we were about 20 min away from home and got stuck in construction traffic. then I had to listen to about 30 min of screaming until we got home. Then he was just happy to be out of his seat. Poor little guy......The baby shower seemed to go pretty fast. I didn't get to take many pictures because I was holding Tristan. He didn't seem very into being held by others for very long, which normally he has no problem with. I think he was just as tired from the long days as I was. So now today is just a hang out at home day. He's already taking his 2nd nap of the day, I did wake him up from his first one to take my nephew to school. Other than that I don't plan on leaving the house today.
Ok, so onto pictures........
Tristan and I getting ready......

The Kiss.....
How Tristan spent the ceremony......

Tristan with his "Grandma for the day" ( the best man's mom) and a new girlfriend.......
The Happy couple.......


Opening the presents  we got her.....I thought the pink outfit on the left was so adorable I HAD to get it. It has an elephant on it that say Daddy loves me....

While Mommy and Tristan were at the wedding, Daddy went shopping for us when he got home from work.
Tristan got a ND outfit with a onsie, bib, and booties all made out of the jersey material. So now he's set, he's got the Red Sox outfit, Steelers and now Notre Dame.
Now Mommy really got hooked up :) He got me a bottle of my favorite perfume Happy, and with it came a makeup bag and some extra goodies :)


Ok so tomorrow's the big day for my friend April. Only snag is that the wedding is about 4 hours away. At first TJ was going to go, but then he got put on this job that's mon-sat. Then he didn't really want me to drive that far alone, but he knew I really wanted to go, so Me and little man will be making the 4 hour drive tomorrow, and coming home tomorrow night. It's going to be a really long day, so I'm already guessing I won't get a chance to get on here and post a pic, although I'm hoping to take tons of them. Besides I'll be leaving at like 9am and not getting home till probably close if not after midnight. I live in PA close to the Maryland line, and he wedding is in East Smithfield which is right at the New York line.
So  for today's picture.....Tristan has seemed to be getting more clingy, I'm about positive he's teething. SO Ive become obsessed with how adorable he looks curled up in my arms sleeping. Oh and by the way today marks exactly 4 months since he was born!!!

btw these are pictures taken with my phone, which has about the crappiest camera ever. I can't wait to get a new phone with a better camera!

15/365 and 16/365

ok wow I'm slacking so much already. Yesterday was super busy though. Got up with TJ at 5am to take his dad to the local hospital for surgery, Some time last year he went to the bathroom and peed out blood clots. The doctors scoped his bladder and found cancer. Yesterday was actually his 3rd surgery. The first one was in like Feb, I only remember because it was during a huge blizzard, the second was a week after Tristan was born, and then yesterday. In Feb they removed the tumors, and now the last 2 have been exploratory, to make sure there haven't been anymore tumors. Apparently bladder cancer has a very high reoccurrance rate, and smokers are a third more likely to get it.  And since his dad is a huge smoker and hasn;t stop that increases his chances even more. Anyway they go in every 3 months to check and if there would be anything they will take it out. So far he's been clear. If he stays clear for I forget if it's 2 or 3 years, they'll switch to surgery every 6 mths, if he stays clear for 5 years they will switch to once a yr. It's a pretty easy surgery, takes more time for him to recover from anesthesia than the surgery itself. He doctor was done in 20 min yesterday. His arrival time was 7 am, but we didn't get out of there until like noon. Then I had to take him to the pharmacy to get prescriptions, and drop him off at home. TJ texted me right before leaving the hospital that he needed clothes washed for work. So I got home, gave Tristan a bottle quick and ran to my sister's.  ( I can't wait til we get a washer and dryer for our house, I didn't realize how convenient it was to have one til I didn't) Did 2 loads of laundry, rushed home, made dinner, and then once TJ was home I rushed to get everything finished up for the night so I could go to bed with him. I don't think I even got on the computer at all yesterday. Just updated facebook through my phone.
So that was my long day yesterday. Today I went back over to my sister's to finish up the last 3 loads of laundry I had and then rushed home, to the store, and back home to make homemade buffalo chicken mac n cheese. Which turned out pretty good :) Now both my boys are tucked away in bed. I told TJ I wouldn't be long but decided to have a little Mommy quiet time. This weekend is jam packed for me. I'm driving 4 hours each way on Sat to go to my friend April's wedding. I'm going back and forth the same day because Sun I have baby shower for TJ's cousin. TJ doesn't want us to spend the night up there, so I agreed to come home. I wouldn't really want to stay somewhere with Tristan anyway, and I know TJ will be a bag of nerves until we get home to him. He would be going with if he didn't have to work.
Also lately I've been really "weapy" and tired. It's crazy because Tristan's sleeping from about 8pm-5am and then I get him to normally go back to sleep till like 8 or 9. Granted those last couple hours aren't full of sleep for me since I have to get him out of the crib into his swing to get him to stay sleeping, and I wake up at every little noise he makes. I swear I haven't felt this emotional and sleepy since I was pregnant with Tristan.  was even having cramps like the ones that prompted me to get a test with him. I've gotten my period once since I had him, but I'm 3 weeks overdue now. I did get the depo shot and I;m due for another, but I;m not overdue for it I have till the 29th to get it again. I took a test the other day and it was neg....but if I don't get my period again soon, I'm going to get another one.
Ok, onto some pictures, I'll stop my rambling.......

My little angel sleeping on Mommy.....


catch up

ok I swear this getting behind is totally not my fault. Our internet has been messed up for days, and of course it took until today for comcast to finally come out to fix it. Grrrrr......Anyway so here's my 4 days of catch up......


I'm just about positive he's teething...he chews on everything!

Ready for some football!!!!!

 so cute in his little hat. We also have a little beanie for him, but it still hasn't been cool enough to have him wear that yet. Well that was my quick little catch up, hopefully it won;t happen again. We've had more problems with Comcast than anything, today was like the 7th or 8th time we've had someone come out since we got it hooked up at the end of May. When the internet runs good it goes SUPER fast, but when it's not it's slower than dial up! And of course it takes forever to get someone out here and b the time they get here, the internet is running normal. I called them on Fri and the only reason I got someone here today was because I complained.
 I hear the Jeep which means TJ's home! :)


Ok, I'm going to cheat a little today.....have a flashback kind of day to 5/17/10 the day we were blessed to have Tristan finally make his way into our lives......

I still constantly go back and look at pictures of him...I'm still amazed that we made him and he's ours. Our perfect little angel......


Ok so here we are day 8 already. And I just got a phone call that TJ is on his way home for the day :) I guess there's something going on with the pipe they're running and something with the railroad that they have to wait for permission to do something, so instead of standing around for the rest of the day waiting he gets to come home :)


wow I can't believe I'm already on my 7th day of the photo challenge :) Right now I'm just sitting in front of the computer with Tristan on my lap drinking a bottle. Which means I'm typing with one hand so please excuse errors. Actually it seems like I type with only one hand most of the time anymore, people probably think my grammar has become horrible....nope just trying to multitask!  So for today I decided I'm going to steal pictures from Bubba of Zach's photo shoot at the  skate park yesterday. This first one is my favorite :)

Like I had said yesterday his board broke right after we got there so he didn't get any good action shoots. I think the plan is to go back another day once he gets a new board and try again.


 ok another quickie post since TJ's home. I had wanted to get some pictures of Zach skating today, but his board here's one of my babers......


Ok just a quick one for today. TJ has off today today and tomorrow due to the holiday. So I don't really get on the computer when he's home. Try to just enjoy spending time with him, since I don't get to that very much during the week now. Tristan was great last night/this morning, let us stay in bed til 9:30. :) Was a little disappointed we didn't get to spend time outside today, instead we relaxed at home and then went and visited with TJ's dad. So tomorrow we're going to go with my sister and nephews to do some senior pictures of one of my nephews at a local skate park.
Ok well here's pics for today. It's actually 2 again. One of Tristan's newest things is scooting himself along the floor when I put him on his playmat. This is how I laid him down on his mat.......

and this is how I found him a few minutes later........


Ok so the photo shoot went ok...not real great. We got some good shoots, but I wanted more. And I didn't get an good shoots of his body except one I snapped from the side while Bubba (nephew) was snapping them from the front. Here we go.....

This was our set up in the kitchen.......

and here's some of the shoots Bubba got......

and here are a few I snapped with my camera.....
so all in all we got some shoots I like, but not as many as I was hoping for. So I think sometime next week I'll set everything up again and try to get some more shoots with my camera.